Saturday, June 16, 2007
Monday, April 30, 2007
Paris - April 30th
So John and I, found a really good coffee shop and savored ever last drop of it. We then made our way to la Basilique Sacre-Coeur to soak in the panoramic view of Paris. It's the second time I went, since last time I was in Paris I visited the Basilique too. This time though there was about 10 times more tourists... (Not only at the basilique, but every tourist attraction) I can't believe how many tourists there are...
John and I walk around the little streets of Monmarthe having a Grand time and sat down on the steps of the Basilique to enjoy the view for a good half hour. By the time we got back to the Hotel, Nick was taking his shower (5pm). Talk about a wasted day for him... too bad... thats what you get for blacking out.
Jesus isn't the only one who can walk on water.
Paris - April 29th
So I bought my train tickets for Paris 50$ total... pretty awesome eh? and thats for the Round Trip. I left Lyon at 11am and arrived in Paris at 1pm. After a little confusion with the rendez-vous spot, I met up with John and Nick. It makes for automatic smiles, 2 friends from west-island finding each other in Paris.
After les catacombes, we made our way to their hotel where I was hoping there would still be place for me. They did , great! It's about a 10 minute walk from Moulin Rouge.
So Evening came along, and out came the bottles of wine... naturally. There was a lightning storm for a little while so we stayed inside until it cleared up, and then we took the metro to the Eiffel tower. Now I will be honest with you guys, I'm telling not you what went on that night, because this is a G rated blog eh! No but seriously, there's so much that happened that night (including missing the last metro), that it became one of those nights you will never ever forget. Lets just say we checked into the hotel around 6am.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Nyons - April 22nd
Nous avons fait un BBQ en après-midi et ensuite nous sommes dirigés vers Nyons... Une petite ville de toute beauté sur la route de vins. Nous nous sommes posé près de la rivière dans un soleil à 35 Degrés Celcius pour un après-midi tranquille.
Mon weekend était vraiment agréable! Un gros Merci à Laurent et sa famille pour tout!
Avignon - April 21st
So we walked around at first, and we quickly stumbled onto Le Palais des Papes, which was the Popes residence in the 14th Century... absolutely gigantic and beautiful too. So we spent the evening relaxing, drinking a couple beers and ordering a pizza before crossing the city to reach the Pont d'Avignon, ... Famous bridge that was never completed and eventually became a tourist attraction and also the object of that song we all know and loved as a child. So we stayed there for half an hour before making our way back to Valréas for the night.
My after-thoughts on Avignon are axed on itès historical richness... kindof reminds me of the same ambiance you can find in old Quebec City.... but European.
Valréas / Orange - April 21st
Je vous signale que je suis toujours vivant, que j'ai reçu ma lettre d'acceptation pour Concordia, et que le stage va toujours bien. J'espère pouvoir finir le MVC cette semaine.
Cette fin de semaine j'ai décidé de descendre dans le sud, question de prendre un peu de soleil et reposer mon cerveau informatique. Il annonçait super chaud pour le weekend! J'ai descendu avec Laurent en auto vers midi, et à 14h nous sommes arrivés à sa ville, Valréas. J'ai rencontré sa famille bien sympa et nous avons mangé déjeuner! Le sud est de toute beauté, jusqu'à date j'avais seulement vu Marseille et la cote d'azur mais je n'avais pas encore vu la vrai France du sud. Et laissez-moi vous dire que c'est de toute beauté. Des caves à vin tout partout, des champs de vignes, d'oliviers, d'abricots... et toujours de belle grande montagnes dans la distance.
Nous sommes partis en après-midi pour la ville d'Orange... Il faisait déjà une chaleur insupportable... Les shorts et les T-Shirts étaient au rendez-vous. La ville d'Orange, ou Laurent a fait sont lycée est une ville de taille moyennes typique du Sud avec des vestiges de l'époque romaine. Parmi ces vestiges est un genre de théâtre qu'on peu faire des visites payantes. Par Contre, Laurent connaissait une place sur la colline juste en face qui nous permettrait d'avoir encore une meilleure vue ... et qui nous couterait rien.
Nous sommes ensuite descendu vers Avignon!
Monday, April 2, 2007
Lyon - April 2nd
I don't recall describing ACTi's work environment so here it is: We are a staff of 12 Employees, 1 president, 1 chief of projects, 3 project managers, 4 graphic artists, and 4 developers (including me). Aside from the president, we all work together in the main room... It's a modern approach to "team work" I'm quite fond of. We're positioned in a circle and constantly help each other out. Everyone has a dual processor pc with Dual 20" widescreen monitors.... CLASS.
Today was my first day in the company. I arrived at 8 and at 9 we had our weekly meeting where we discussed progress on our approximately 40 ongoing web projects. Surprisingly, the meeting is in English so everyone can practice they're English since a certain percentage of our clients only speak English. Let me tell you, If It wasn't my first day at the job I would have laughed out loud. I applaud the concept and the effort, but hearing them talk in English for over an hour is hilarious... Before lunch I was briefed on what my role will be for the upcoming weeks, and let me tell you... it's a doozy. 1 of the big projects they're just starting is for the TCL here in Lyon (Equivalent to the STCUM in montreal)... so needless to say it's a huge contract and involves lots of people.
/** Caution **/ /** Geek Section **/
Without getting into any of the client's specs, they will be keeping their current servers and certain modules from their current site... we will be forced to mostly write this site in ASP (Not .NET) ... I'm not too familiar with the language but then again to my knowledge, VBScript is about as easy as it gets. I will not be writing any of the content or html whatsoever. My job is to write the framework for an MVC (Model View Controller). Talk about diving head first into uncharted territory.. Unlike J2EE where MVCs are integrated in the language and PHP where many MVCs are of great quality and often times open source, there are very few MVCs out there for ASP (Not .Net) and since they are extremely expensive and not exactly what we are looking for, ACTi decided it would be best to develop our own.
/** End of Geek Section**/
JON I know you did some JSPs this semester, did you guys touch MVCs? if you did, send me an e-mail with whatever you can. Furthermore if you can ask Mr. Simonelis and Mr. Fogel to maybe send me an e-mail with tips and pointers on how to go about this, it would be greatly appreciated!
Needless to say I'm really excited about being given such a crucial piece of the puzzle so early on. Not only will this be great experience wise, it will also be impressive in web dev portfolio.
Well aside from the stage, everything is good. Friday I had a bunch of friends over at my place and we did "l'apero" before going to a show with Laurent and Thomas, 2 good friends. We saw "Les Cameleons" kind of like a "Catch 22" over here. I also learned that The Mad Caddies, Suicidal Tendencies and The Exploited will be playing a show here this month... a must see!
Thomas in the middle and Laurent on the right.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Lyon - March 29th
I start my stage on Monday in a company called ACTi, it's web developpement mostly B2B (Business to Business) in all web languages... you name it they do it. PHP, JSP, ASP, AJAX... etc. So it should be quite interesting. I had my interview last week and it went quite well, I don't know what it is with me and interviews but I always feel comfortable.
So here's a summary of how my 7 classes went this semester:
Java: A real joke, however the exam wasn't all that easy although I did good on it.
Expression: Not a problem there, had an oral last week on humor, and it went well.
Preparation Stage: Not Marked... just how to handle yourself in the professional industry.
Network Administration: Not too easy, but somehow I thought I did really well on the exam
Datacom (In C): Interesting... I had a good teacher and he helped me with C a lot more than Mr. Ratard did in my other C class. There was no final exam... only a final project.
UML Application synthese(IN JAVA): UML part was hard for me. but programming in java was where I picked up all my points.
System Programming(IN C): COMPLETELY OUT OF MY LEAGUE... I learned a lot on my own since the teacher is quite possibly the worst I've ever had. However the final exam went horribly...
We had 3 hours to write a program that reads a black & white image into RAM and then reads each pixel directly from memory , calculates the average grayscale (0 to 255), and then creates a new image with each pixel adjusted to a calculation based on the average... OH AND THAT'S NOT ALL... instead of making it somewhat doable by allowing us to write 1 file... we had to write it in 3 separate files which had to communicate with each other using THREADS, MUTEX, SHARED MEMORY SEGMENTS, SEMAPHORES AND CHILD PROCESSES... needless to say 1 student out of 70 managed to finish the programs... I just managed 400 lines which when executed displayed a bunch of errors... O and i forgot to mention, all this without documentation and using VI in UNIX... fun...
Anyways , it was one of those exams that aren't even worth getting upset about... I walked out of there and laughed in disbelief.
Overall, the way the grading system works here is different then in America. Grades are on 20 and NO ONE EVER GETS OVER 18. They just don't give 19's and 20's EVER. So we have to consider an 18 as 100%, furthermore in order to pass you need to have an average of 10 overall... So even if I get a bad note in Prog Sys, the other classes will more than make up for it.
In other news, 2 of my good friends here in Lyon are leaving for England where they will have their stage. Kinda sucks for me but, I still got some very good friends that are staying in the city.
This week I'm going to work on a video for you guys ... kinda give you a tour of Lyon and my daily routines...
This weekend I'm thinking of going to Grenoble for a day, a get a taste of the Alpes. I heard it's beautiful.
I've also been following our beloved Habs from over here.... I'ts going to be tight... Good thing they woke up in the past 7 or 8 games. I guess we need to win at least 3 more games and with a little luck we'll be in the playoffs. Don't forget that we have more wins than the other teams bellow us... So even if we Tie in the 8th place we'll be the team to move on to the playoffs... YOU GOTTA BELIEVE.
Anyways leave me some comments so I know whats going on back home
love you guys.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Lyon - March 14th
I've been back in Lyon for a couple days now, no news yet on the stage... I think i'm going to give it a couple more days before sending out some more CVs.
Sunday I went to my first ever European soccer game!! Kevin invited me to the game with Pierre, Antoine, Manu, Margo and Lambert. His dad gets free tickets through the amateur soccer team he manages, so of course I couldn't refuse.
It was l'Olympique de Lyon vs l'Olympique de Marseille, or like they say here (l'OL contre l'OM). Two teams that are considered to be big rivals here in France, like Montreal / Toronto back at home. The ambiance was amazing! All the fans sing.... and trust me there's a lot of fans in the stadium... it's huge. There's about a dozen songs or chants that are rotated throughout the game, and I managed to learn about half... some of them are quite complicated... One of the chants that really grabbed my attention was :"Qui ne saute pas n'est pas Lyonais" where you must jump up and down at the same time which results in quite an effect in the stadium. I happened to take a video of it when it they started chanting... sorry for the poor quality but my camera is a digital antique...
Compared to American sports where fans from both teams are seated together... Here, the opposing team's fans have a specific section, to prevent any escalations... We were seated right next to them, so you can imagine the trash talk that was going on between our side and the Marseillais' side..
Lyon opened the score early in the first half only to have a goal scored on them in the dying minutes of the game... The final score was 1-1... An exciting match, but the ambiance was what impressed me the most.
Furthermore, I totally forgot to mention that last week I visited the Musee d'art contemporain in one of my classes. The museum is about a 15 minute walk from the campus and is one of the biggest contemporary art museums in the world. I don't know if any of you have ever seen contemporary art, well... it's special to say the least. Basically when they don't know where to classify the art, they just say it's contemporary art. The most known piece of contemporary art is the toilet by Marcel Duchamp... Very controversial as to weather it should be considered art at all...
Anyways one of the expositions impressed me... basically you walk into someone life room by room represents something in the artists life... What was so awesome about it was that it was quite disturbing. Blood red walls, Pitch black walls, Devils, Gods, Iconic figures... here are some pictures:
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Valsonne - March 10th
Valsonne est toujours de toute beauté!! Le paysage me fascine à chaque fois. Nous sommes arrivés vers 16h et après le souper nous avons regardé un film français appelé Les 11 Commandements. C'est un peu comme une version française du Jackass. Nous avons ensuite terminé la soirée chez un ami.
Le chien à Kevin est trop cute... Quand tu te rapproches, il se met sur son dos pour que tu lui flattes son ventre... comme Jazz
Le lendemain nous nous somme réveillés vers midi et j'ai étudié jusqu'à 16h avant de faire l'apéro. Ce soir il y a une Dance à Valsonne pour célébrer les Classes. C'est le Bal des Classes... Comme je l'avais déjà mentioné, les classes est une fête pour célébrer tout ceux qui ont 20, 30, 40,50 ans...En autant qu'il y un 0 à la fin de ton âge. Nous avons beaucoup bu ce soir et nous avons dansé jusqu'à 3h - 4h du matin. Je me suis bien amusé mais il était temps que je rentre vers la fin.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Lyon - March 9th
I believe the reason why I haven't written in so long is because since I got back from Marseille and Monaco, I made it my number 1 priority to get my head back into my studies... So I've been hard at work on catching up with programming in 'C'. I've made quite a lot of progress in understanding the language since I had my first class here in early February. The language is so basic, so close to the hardware that I can't help but wonder why we didn't do any at Dawson... It seems almost essential to truly understanding computers. Furthermore, I now think I understand why I've been having so much trouble thinking in 'C'. Although I couldn't quite put my finger on what was bothering me I now believe that it's the fact that 'C' is NOT an Object Oriented language... You see, at Dawson we've been taught to think in an Object Oriented fashion... Going back to procedural programming seems so limiting and frustrating.
Anyways, I had a final exam in Network Administration this week and I think it went really well!! The last 3 weeks I will have a new class in it's place :"Network Programming in C"
While I'm still on the subject of School, I applied to Concordia in Software Systems for next semester. At first I was honestly thinking Software Engineering, but then I thought of all the UML and paperwork behind it and voted against it...
The nights out this week consisted of the Coco Pago lounge, and the Wallace pub, followed by a ska concert at the Transbordeur (Equivilent of the Metropolis or Medley).
Last night I went to the ska concert with a bunch of friends (Laurent, Tom, Thomas). The main group was called N&SK and it was honestly quite good although I didn't know any of the songs and lyrics... I managed to stay in the pit for the entirety of the show... something I rarely do anymore. As Andrew says :"We're too old for that now" haha.. I think the last time I felt that tired was at the Bullet for my Valentine show at the Vans Warped Tour. Well it brought back some great memories of a time where ska was at it's peak :(Planet Smashers, Reel Big Fish, Catch 22) I know some of you remember those summers...
As for my stage... well CVs have been sent out to a little under 10 companies and I'm currently waiting for a reply. They're mostly programming stages and web development positions.
This week-end I'm heading back to Valsonne to relax with Kevin, Antoine & Tom.... it's supposed to be gorgeous this week-end. I'm crossing my fingers because this past week has been a little gloomy and rainy.
Sorry for the lack of pictures... but a picture of me studying probably isn't very exciting...
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Monaco - February 23rd
Nous nous sommes donc levé tard... Monaco est petit et je crois que nous avons visité tout les points les plus importants hier. Nous avons donc quitté l'hôtel vers 11h, mangé le petit déjeuner, et réglé quelques détails à la gare de Monaco.
Aujourd'hui je n'ai que vu 4 Ferraris et quelques Porsche et Bentley dans l'espace de 3 heures... La vie est belle!
Dave et Christianne on pri le train vers 4h30 pour se rendrent à Nice et ensuite prendre un vol pour Bruxelles... Alors que moi, j'ai pris un train de 6 heures jusqu'a Lyon...
Le voyage était long et j'ai pris la liberté de m'assoir dans la section de 1ere classe... haha... malin.
Arrivé à Lyon j'ai pris mon Skate jusqu'à la résidence et ensuite je me suis endormi trop facilement.
Martin est épuisé
Monaco - February 22nd
So I got to the train station bought some breakfast for everyone and waited for Dave and Christiane... I think it's time to tell you guys a little story from my point of view (I hope Dave tells it from his point of view too):
So I waited.... and waited.... and waited.... The train was leaving at exactly 6:29, no exceptions.... 6:10.... 6:20... 6:25... I decide to call Dave.... No answer.... 6:27... I start panicking (The next train is in 6 hours)... 6:28 I call Dave ,and Christiane picks up:
*Ring... Ring
- Where are you guys?
- **Hughfff.... Pant.....*** Wer'e in the stairs ** Pant**
- Well you have 1 minute to get us ass up here
By now I'm about to have a serious heart attack and throw myself in the middle of the tracks in order to delay the train, even if it gets me arrested...
Who might be to blame for this lateness?? Christiane?... of course not.
Dave? probably took 30 minutes to fix his hair...
HAHA sorry Dave it's Cliche..
The train marshal blows his whistle (meaning the conductor can start going) I see the 2 lovers walking in an exhausted fashion from the corner of my eye...
At the top of my lungs (Although I've been trying hard not to use expressions from Quebec here in France... my true colors came out....Attracting all the French stares):
I think we hopped on the train as it started moving.... Talk about cutting it close.
*------/End of Story /---------*
And so we're off to Monaco! Along the way the country-side was breathtaking, I WANT TO LIVE HERE... It took 3 hours to get to Monaco as we stopped in Nice to transfer trains.
First thing we did when we arrived in Monaco was find our Hotel... Turns out it was at the other end of the Country... haha don't worry it was only 1 km or so away. We dropped our things at the hotel and made our way down to the shore. Today was another magnificent day from mother nature... 20 Degrees and Sunny.
As we were walking down the streets, I recognized part of the F1 circuit and had no other choice than to drag Dave and Christiane to the famous turn right before the cars go into the tunnel. It was like walking into my TV... whether it was watching the F1 Monaco race on RDS or playing F1 on Playstation 2 HAHA... I never set foot in the city before , however, I knew exactly where I was...Notice the Red and White Shutters along the turn... permanently set into the road...
Anyways, we walked through the tunnel which gives right onto the old port. By then we were pretty hungry so we sat down on the old port and ordered lunch, with some pretty bizarre drink in evenly bizarre glasses.
As we ate, we admired the boats along the port.... Can anyone say MILLIONS & MILLIONS of $$$$$? These boats are GIGANTIC and probably go faster than any of our military boats in Canada... haha.
As I'm writing this blog I'm trying desperately to find the words to describe this city... but it truly is indescribable. The views that this city has to offer are so charming, so delicate, so..... perfect. The city is like a half bowl containing apartments and villas flowing down to the old port. Behind the buildings are Huge Mountains adding to the experience and eye candy...
(By the way, the pictures posted in NO WAY do justice to the beauty of Monaco)
So we walked around the old port and made our way up to the Prince's Palace on top of the hill. The palace didn't really impress me although the view is quite stunning. We stayed for half and hour and went on our next journey :"The Exotic Gardens"
The walk was long and demanding but we eventually made it to the top of the city. (Now that I think of it, we probably should have taken a bus).. The Garden was beautiful, and was home to a wide variety of cactus like plants... Now if you thought I was in heaven with the views the Palace had to offer, multiply that by 10... The gardens offer views worthy of some sort of IMAX documentry haha.
At the bottom of the gardens was a cave that was discovered about 50 years ago and goes 300 stairs and 40 meters down into the mountain. We took the tour which lasted about 30 minutes and then made our way back to the hotel... by then it was around 5pm so we took a little nap until 7...
at 730 we did l'apero in a bar not to far from the hotel... Good times... 8:30 we decided to eat in a restaurent called Stars & Bars.... AN AMERICAN RESTAURENT... at first I was slightly against the idea of eating american food in France but I figured after eating a strict french regime for the past month it would be a delicacy haha!! So I went all out AMERICAN: Bacon Cheeseburger with fries and Patatoe Salad...... Delicious.... I can honestly say that I ate really well this Trip, even in Marseille...
On our way back up we passed by the Monte-Carlo Casino... We never thought we would be able to get in... since we were in running shoes, jeans and t-shirt... but in a spur of the moment action... I asked the valet if we were dressed well enough to get it... He said Yes!!!!
So we paid the 10 Euros to get in and I witnessed the surprise of the day.... First of all, the casino is tiny... By tiny, I mean 3 rooms maybe 30 tables and 150 slot machines. However, just because it's tiny doesn't mean it's bad... The rooms were sooo rich, 1 is probably worth more than the Montreal Casino entirely.... So we walked around and we quickly noticed how the ambiance differs from Montreal Casino... TOTAL OPPOSITE ... It's quiet, it's serious, it's grand. I wouldn't dare raise my voice in such a place.. I watched one Blackjack table with a minimum of 1000 Euro bet for a little while, at some points there was easily 20 000 Euros on the table. Now lets keep in mind that these are the rooms open to the public, we're not talking about the private rooms here...
We eventually decided to play some slot machines, so we all chiped in for a total of 20 Euros and had a great 5 minutes... haha ... I wish I could've said we won... but no such luck.
After our experience in the Casino we made our way back to the hotel for a good night's rest. Tomorow i'm going back to Lyon.
OOOOOOOO I forgot to mention one of the most important aspects of Monaco.... THE CARS... -Sorry Raymond, you're white Mustang is a "shit box on wheels" down here
-Sorry Uncle Michael, your Z3 is considered a little cheap too...
Today I saw 2 Ferraris, a dozen Porcshes, 1 Bugatti, 1 Maseratti, 3 or 4 Bentleys, and countless high end jaguars & mercedes... Not bad eh?
Marseille - February 21st
J'ai ensuite rencontré Christianne et Dave à leur chambre d'hotel vers 10h, nous avons ensuite marché sur le vieux port avant de nous renseigner sur les tours guidés offerts en autobus... Le premier bus commençait à midi donc j'ai introduit Dave et Christianne au ''Tim Hortons'' de la France :''La Brioche Dorée''
Ils ont mangé leur petit déjeuner et nous nous sommes ensuite dirigé vers la gare pour acheter un billet entre Marseille et Monaco pour le lendemain. À la suite, nous avons pris le métro pour retourner au Vieux Port ou le tour guidé partait... Nous l'avons quasiment raté... mais la chance semble être de notre coté ce voyage.
Le tour a pas mal tout couvert Marseille, du vieux port, au palais de Napoléon III, à la Basilique Notre-Dame, ainsi que le stade de foot de l'Olympique de Marseille. Nous étions sur le 2e étage du bus à toit ouvert, et malheureusement vers la moitié du chemin il a commencé à pleuvoir... Voici ma réaction:
Ce qui m'a marqué sur l'autobus était la vue superbe de la mer!! À coupé le souffle.... Ainsi que le talent du chauffeur, il y avait des fois ou j'en était convaincu qu'on était pour araché un ou deux poteaux.
Après le tour nous avons mangé le déjeuner (lunch) et ensuite on avait planifié de visité le palais de Napoléon III... Malheureusement, pour une raison que j'ignore, le palais était fermé pour la journée... Tant pi... Nous sommes donc engagé dans une promenade jusqu'à l'autre coté du vieux port ou nous avons trouvé un batiment dédié à la 2e guerre mondiale... Nous sommes resté une demi-heure avant de monté le fort St-Jean situé juste à coté. Le haut de la tour du fort offre ce qui est surement cosidéré la meilleur vue de Marseille... Les photos disent tout....
Il était donc l'heure de l'apéro... Nous sommes arrêtés sur une terrasse pas loin de l'hotel à Christianne et Dave pour boire un verre de Ricard (La pastis), ce qui est caractéristique du sud de la France. À ce moment, le soleil nous a fait un petit coucou et j'ai vécu un moment inoubliable. Vous savez, quand vous partez en vacance et à votre retour il y a une image d'un moment imprimé dans votre mémoire? et bien la voila l'image:
Après l'apéritif, je suis retourné à l'hotel pour un petit sommeil avant de manger souper dans un restaurent sportif. J'ai mangé une bonne pizza à la française, et ensuite nous sommes tous retrouvé dans ma chambre pour regarder la partit de foot entre Lyon et Rome!! Une partie entre 2 des meilleurs équipes en europe.... Le score final: 0 - 0 ... Considéré comme une victoire pour Lyon.
Demain nous partons pour Monaco à 6h29, une ville dont j'ai toujours rêvé de visiter.
Voici d'autre photos: