Monday, February 5, 2007

Lyon - February 5th

The week-end was calm, nothing out of the ordinary. Saturday I woke up at 12 ate breakfast and called home. Then I did the groceries and worked on a website project Jon and I had in mind before leaving for Europe. I found myself going to bed really late that night... time flies when you're into something.

Sunday afternoon I finished little projects due for Monday and Tuesday Morning as well as study some tutorials on C++... I'm starting to understand some of the things the teacher was talking about in Prog Sys... but i'm still far from the level the students are at in C.

In the evening I went to Antoines appartment (about a 20 minute walk) and watched the Super Bowl! I was sooo happy to watch the Super Bowl, I thought I was going to miss it here in France. It's the only American Football game they show all year on regular cable. The game started at midnght here and ended in the wee hours of the morning... Before the game there was an in depth 30 minute summary of the rules so that the French can understand haha. Then there was the game... WOW turnover after turnover amazing... one of the best Super Bowls I can remember. Of course we didn't have the luxury of seing the american commercials but we did get to see Prince and the half time show!! I want his guitar... We were rooting for the Bears but their defence couldn't handle it.... This time I brought my camera to take a picture of my friends but the camera is acting weird.... I hope it'll solve itself... haha

Anyways, needless to say I didn't sleep that night... By the time I got home on a sobering walk I had class 2 hours later... Good thing it was Java! I took it easy... although I still code faster than them... My afternoon class was cancelled so I slept ate speghetti and now here I am.

Papa - J'ai esseyé de retirer de l'argent du guichet aujourd'hui mais sa dit qu'il n'y a pas assé de fonds... Je pense qu'il esseye de retirer du compte Savings... Pour l'instant j'ai retirer de ma carte Visa, mais il va surement falloir transferrer l'argent du Chequing au Savings. Je vais t'appeller demain pour t'en parler.


Papa said...


I will call you tomorrow through skype on your cell after 4pm your time. I will give a call to the bank to see what is happening.

Superbowl game was great. I was chearing for the Bears as well, and don't feel bad, I didn't see the US commercial either.

So now you can say you do Java with your eyes closed, or in your sleep.

The habs lost Saturday on a very boring game. They just lacked motivation.

On Sunday it was the rematch with the Penguins. They played much better and won in overtime.

Today was very cold. -20 It felt like -100.

I was wondering the same thing as Renee, why don't they steal the bikes. Here in Montreal they would have none left after the first hour.

Love you

Papa said...


I couldn't call you, but I did reach the bank.

They made the corrections and everyting should be OK.

Next time you try, let me know if everyting is OK.


Mom said...

Hi Martin,

Hope your day went well. Nothing new here, except very cold ... -12 degrees, a little warmer than yesterday. I deposited a cheque for you from CGI, vacation pay etc... hope you don't have any problems withdrawing again. When I get your VISA I'll let you know. Hope things go better with C++. Have you spoken with Dave lately?

Love you
